Our Thinking around Educational system needs to be reworked ,I strongly believe in that, the only option options to think around is Medicine or engineering and it remind me of horse with blinkers on who can neither look left or right.Parent raise their impossible expectation to literally kill the small kids and it leads to poor self image if they cannot meet the expectation and sometimes we have sad reality where children commit suicide, poor little fellow is sometime unable to carry the weight of expectations on their tender shoulders.Pleasing parents all the time is not cool idea to hang around , they will feel more bad in the long run if they see children is unhappy about chosen career!!.
How many people in valley study to become Archaeologist or opting Painting as career,well the proportion is very less I say nill.then there is another myth that doing master in science like M.sc chemistry or Physics will end up as teacher and he has only career to teach 11 and 12 students in hyderpora:). I have read dozen of biographies and every first rate scientist has been teacher in his carrer be it noble laureate from Abdus Salam to famous flamboyant physicist Richard Feynman but here the approach is cloudy, full of prejudice and our standard is very low, the emphasis is more on cracking the examination by hook or crook rather than real learning then there is another thing called peer pressure and many people choose their career what their best buddy has opted for again to be part of group and acceptance, well that is Rat Race for you:), I think it is real stupid to choose your career what your friends has opted for, he might have different skill set or different perception,this self defeating thinking and nerd approach needs to be changed. The west is lucky in that aspect coz they study out of their passion not what parents or their best friend has expected out of them.
Our school has emphasis more on memorization by rote than real learning, Scientific Temper and experimentation.Memorizing Arithmetic tables from 2 to 12 does not imply mathematics genius.In Experimentation part, we are very poor our schools cannot go beyond frog dissection or showing how galvanometer look like or the famous prism experiment and that too in class 10th!!, how many of us have done independent lab work in school then there are some lucky kids who do experimentation work at home and their parents support their passion, I salute such such parents and the best example is 2008 Beijing Olympics gold medalist Abinav Bindra, his parents provide him complete shooting environment at home although shooting as career in India was marginally very very low.
The emphasis on grades and overall performance is very paralyzing if someone is good at science but poor at urdu is though to be poor student coz he cannot top the class!!.we need to work on these shortcoming, I suggest following keynotes
1)Brainstorm the child mind about their passion and interest and work on key interest areas.
2)Provide ample of books including literature and science stuff to enlarge vision.
3)Provide more experimentation part and give opportunity to Carry independent lab work.
4)Develop Scientific temper and encourage why, how,when thinking pattern.
5)Include Quiz, group discussions and some creativity classes.
6) Workshop for Scientific work and display.
well Kids career is game of 40-50 years everyone of us is talented and we never invent our talents but we only detect them, see what you are are good at then go for it with Passion and it does not matter if you fail in urdu class so choose wisely and make best out of it and it really does not matter if your parent is scolding or you have turned off your best buddy just ask Einstien or Picassco.
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago