Doing the same kind of work in same way,thinking same kind of thoughts, meeting same kind of people day in day out and listening to same kind of music can result in boredom and life can turn into big rut, well Inertia sets in as per as basic laws of physics.Change is necessary element to flow creativity in life, Try something weird and be Cool Dude, Do things you fear to attempt or that does not fit with your day to day personality, if we are listening to folk music from years let us switch to Rock or Jazz, just an example. Little bit of surprise and unpredictability is must although living in comfort zone is safe there are absolutely no risk and it is same as small kid falling asleep in mother's lap but at the same time there is no growth:).It is fear that holds us back, but stepping out of comfort zone is necessary element for growth and progress athough there are risk involved, it can result in failure and disappointment but Smart people know to take calculated risk, move with the cheese and succeed, Edison Quoted "I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to not make a light bulb."Let us face Risk Zone or become Extinct!!.
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago