We can Pay Debt but not favor, Parents shower all the happiness to child but when there there is payback time it not always same, had it been the same then there would have been no old age homes around, human nature can sometime turn into worst in the name of worldly success and Money ,Read on....
A child is born who is taught how to take his very first step,offering best luxury from pampering with mild Baby Johnson soaps to Leo Toys, birthdays celebrated with best of gifts,rising early to get him ready for school with nicely polished shoes and uniform well ironed done by parents,offering best of stuff from camlin pencils to omega geometry box and nicely covered notebooks with brown sheet,vacation is taken to make his holidays fun, sitting in scorching heat to wait for his school bus,every pain and joy is shared and this goes on now comes college and debt is taken is get him ready for big world and finally there is takeoff and he is ready to take on the world now he is professional with dozen of Fortune company offers and he is the next whiz kid on the block but now pace of things slowly change;peer pressure and success become his best mates,he play games to hide his true self and getting up on social yardstick become his obsession, he believes in Good social skills and now going home seems boring, he complains about everything from old tap to neighbourhood, he is irritated at weakness of his parents and going abroad seems coolest things to do and make a life, money grip his inner voice and peer pressure turn him deaf and blind and alas there is no point of return all in the name of success.
Years pass by and he had left his parents cold and helpless.Old parent is now as fragile as child he was in his tender years, his weak bones make his daily chores difficult, it takes him efforts to climb the stairs, his eyesight is weak,it takes him hours now to search his glasses or find his watch, his memory is not as sharp as it was while doing homework for his child,he takes time to recall faces or hear sharply, he takes time to walk down the market and find difficult to carry load around, the wrinkles on his face has many story to tell, his birthdays are cold and depressing with no one around nor any Bday Gifts, he offer cold look at the door,he wipes old bicycle of his child with his old fragile hands and keep his toys as most treasured possessions, no one is there to share his experience or listen to his story or wipe his tears in pain, the winter cold add to his gloom and sadness, he wishes for warmth and emotional anchor and sit quietly in one corner of room with bad wheather outside.
In the park where he used to spend hours playing with his kid is now sitting all alone besides that old giving tree who had similar story to share and simply leaves the world with heavy sigh, should this be the payback?
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago