The best part of one's life are school days without any second thought and it holds special memory in one's heart be it old friends from school days, first class room, school teachers, playground and it all seems valuable treasure down the line and it is best thing that life has to offer then there is ugly face of child labor that deprives kids of these golden days and it is cruel and same as slavery, poor kid is made to work like donkey with his tender hands, one of the major social evils; Schooling is best gift that anyone can provide to small kids after all it prepares one for big question called life.
Everyone of us is bit hesitant to go to school first thing in morning and and we make enough excuse to stay at home just like Tom Sawyer tries to fool his aunt Polly in Mark Twain's famous novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer well that is our natural instinct but then last period of class which is happiest one in which kids flew out of class at full speed like batman once the bell struck and are happy back to home;there are some naughty memory associated with all us and to tame the brat kid, school has methods to punish the little fellow in scary way but on this crossroad of life and looking back it seems funny and sweet.I have fond memories of punishment made by teachers:)
One punishment I remember is applying mud on face like facial scrub:) and teacher make sure no corner of face is left and poor kid is weeping non-stop, some kid have little smile on their face, Bravo:) and on the top of that poor fellow is made to visit every class along with his teacher and rest of class burst out into laughing and shouting shame shame now after much pomp and show, poor kid wash his face during lunch hours and still holding his head high and smiling and back on track. The most common is Murga Bano,well this I consider king of all punishment given to poor little fellow sometimes even load in form of school bag or brick is placed on back of poor kid in scorching heat for hours, sweat running through the tip of his little nose on ground, ears turned red and even if he is lucky enough he will be associated with two more kids on same punishment so that they can laugh in such situation:) and then try he tries his best to stand up for while and making sure their teacher is not seeing,well kids have natural ways to make best out of worst situation; another one though not scary in nature is facing the wall for hours and now if principle is on inspection and got glimpse of those kids then God Save them!! then comes the classroom and we have famous stick or long wooden ruler and kids are always trying to mess with it in order to save themselves from teacher's wrath, the blow is on hands but sometimes poor chap is asked to fold his hand so that punishment can be more hard on finger tips and poor chap slowly and slowly bringing his hand forward for big blow...... well all said and done nobody will dislike those days or feel bad about it or thinking to take revenge on teachers:) and it brings smile on face well that is power of school days!!.LONG LIVE SCHOOL DAYS!!.
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago
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