Without rich heart, millionaire is an ugly beggar so true,there are many wealthy people I have seen who struggle for peace with themselves and it is no surprise to see high profile cooperate people in meditation or laughing program! if we have equated money with happiness why is there so much suffering and why there is so much emptiness inside although the are making well enough well the answer lies in fable of Midas tough, the story of king who touched everything turned into gold.
making money is important but deriving happiness from it is not wisest move, money always does not give kick and when money talks it does not always talk sense, we cannot buy happiness on weekends nor it should be our motive coz we cannot fight nature,The goal of work should be achievement or fulling some meaningful purpose as an example greatest sportsmen in world play out of their passion not for money alone no doubt money will be by-product but it will not serve as catalyst to their performance
Savoring simple stuff is essential to peace and well beign, achieving balance in social ,physical mental and spiritual dimensions is very important than to get obsessed with making more, it is like running race with no idea of finishing line..someone has very well said, "if I am what I have then who I am if I dont have what I have", everything needs well balanced approach just like well balanced diet, stop the rat race and smell the roses.
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago
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