Living in the present and in the moment is what every self help book from A to Z advocates and that is wisest move too but Looking back for good moments is not a bad idea either and just think where did I enjoyed most? School Bus or Cab, tea in canteen or tiffin box, uniform or clothes, daily fun or weekend, School playground or lawn, candy or coffee, rain or cozy room, Soccer or Walk, Air Gun or laptop, Walkman or Mp3,Freedom or Bounded? nevertheless of less luxury old days were simple and happy, no rat race to follow nor to climb any social yardstick neither there was any conscious effort to stay in present or trying to move the River of time. Although life cannot be returned backwards nor there is any time machine that can retrace us back but there are some valuable lessons forever left on sand of time and that provide valuable answers and solutions to present day problems and after all life was meant to be happy not routine after all
Riyadh diaries…..
11 years ago
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